Attn: Ferrent (Parent of Ferrets)...

"Finally! Expert Advice On How To Help Your Ferret Have a Healthy, Happy, and Long Life"

(So you DON'T have to search online and figure out what information is good or bad and hope you get it right)

ā€¢ Making it easy to keep your ferret well fed and taken care of

ā€¢ Giving you peace of mind youā€™re doing the right thing for your ferret

ā€¢ Showing you the best ways to keep your ferret active, playful, and safe

From: Stephanie Warzecha

RE: Best Ferret Care

Dear Fellow Ferrent,

If you want to get the best ferret expert advice, get the latest and greatest information to keep your ferret healthy and happy, or even if you just want to never worry if you're doing the right thing for your ferret again, then this is the most important letter you'll read all year!

Here's why...

If you care about your ferret, then making sure that the information you get when it comes to their food, their care, and their treatment, can't be left up to the advice of the inexperienced and good intentioned blogger or forum poster!

"I would definitely recommend any of the ferret-world platforms to anyone I know who is thinking of bringing a fuzzbutt (or 5) into their home!"

Chloe Null
Ohio, USA

"When we got our first couple of furbabies we wanted to educate ourselves correctly on how to take care of them and give them a great home. We couldn't have done this without Ferret World."

Megan Elizabeth Young
Georgia, USA

"I love that Stef has shared her vast knowledge of not only how to care for ferrets, but also how to keep them entertained. We've purchased two of her ebooks (101 Ferret Games and Poop Patrol), and they've been a wealth of knowledge). Given that ferrets are a more exotic pet, it's great to have Stef as a resource."

Lori Kessler
Michigan, USA

I Have Dedicated Myself to The Best Information

I'm Stephanie Warzecha and I'm a Proud Ferrent.

In fact, I loved my ferrets so much, I created the number one resource for ferret care in

I am a ferret enthusiast, ferret-owner advocate, ferret community facilitator and educator. 

For over 10 years I have run

I’ve made it my mission to help educate hundreds of thousands of ferret owners on how to keep their ferrets healthier and happier through Ferret-World, on social media channels, and through information products over the years. 

I love my ferret and having been in the community for so long, I know if you’re reading this, you love yours too. 

So it’s really sad that the average life of a ferret is only 6 years.  Even sadder, it’s often made shorter through poor nutrition and improper care. 

But, their lives don’t have to be that short.  They can live longer, they can live healthier, they can have better lives. 

We as Ferrent’s just need better information!

In being one of the leading voices for the ferret world, I wanted to get together the leading experts, I wanted to help people stay up to date on the best care and the biggest threats to our ferrets.  And so I started working on the Ferret-World Gold Membership.

Our Information Has Been A Hallmark In Ferret Care For Years:

"Ferret-World was the very first place I could find good and detailed information about ferrets. It basically answered all my questions. I would recommend it because it has never let me down and it has ALL the answers!"

Alina Scherbovich

"Since I got my first ferret, I found Ferret-World, and have benefited from all the information. All of the resources are easy, accessible, and fairly priced. Ferret-World is my Go-To site for any questions. The community as a whole makes you feel welcome and is super willing to help you out, and Stef is the Queen! I love watching the videos and reading the books, and I really enjoy being a part of a community of loving ferret owners. I don't know many people who own them, so it's nice to connect to others who love them as much as you do. I love seeing the pictures of Stef's and the communities babies. I love every book that comes out, and interacting with every post. Whenever I meet someone new who is interested in ferrets or has questions, Ferret-World is where I direct them to. Thank you for being a pillar of support and honesty, we appreciate you!!!"

Kris Perci,
New Jersey

"I personally had wanted a ferret since I was 8 years old, knowing I wasn't mature enough to care for one, I decided to wait. Once I was a bit older I started to research and watch videos to incision what it would be like to have one. I was on YouTube and stumbled across ferret world and it was he first and only site that I felt I could trust. It was seemed professional and the information stood by what I believe animals should be treated like. I wanted my future ferrets to be completely happy and enjoy every second of their little furry lives. After watching all the videos on the channel I went back and took notes on key things I needed to know. I was so comfortable with the information I had that I felt I could rely on it alone and become an amazing ferret mother. "

Francesca Batchelor
Huston, Texas

There should be no surprise that the internet isn’t always the best place to get the right information, especially with smaller niches as it is with Ferret Care.

Most information people get online ends up outdated, wrong, or even dangerous to your ferret’s health and wellbeing.

Searches on forums and sites rely on people’s good intentions and well-meaning behavior, and the belief that if it worked for them, it must be right.
Too Much of the Time, That’s Just Not The Case!

This is why I created the Gold Membership. 

Having created one of the biggest hubs for free ferret information, with I wanted to take this even further, with the latest and best information from experts in the field. 

The commitment needed to work with experts, to gather the information, to deliver it all too you… well, that’s just not cheap.

Nonetheless, I’ve dedicated myself to making sure that I am helping every Ferrent create the best possible life for their ferret.  

I want to make sure every Ferrent gets to watch their ferret Dooking and War Dancing excitedly about day after day.  

And, because of that, I’ve made sure to Jam Pack the Gold Membership with tons of value.

In Fact, Here's Just The Tip of The Iceberg of The Benefits Of Being A Gold Member...

Credible Information

Instead of going all around the internet, looking for the best and correct answers to your questions, they'll all be compiled right in one spot, written by experts that you can count on.

Knowledgable Community

You'll never have to be frustrated with wondering whether or not you're doing the right thing, because of our interactive, friendly Facebook group that is monitored by Ferrents who have been where you are, and by experts who are ready to help.

24/7 Support

You'll know each day that you have a network of support to answer any questions and to make sure that your ferret is getting the happiest, healthiest, and most fun life they can possibly have with you.

"Ferret World helped me immensely as a first time ferret owner!!! I had done some research on the Internet and found FW has lots of great ideas on how to treat your ferrets and fun games for them to play. Ferret World is my go to place for any questions I have about my ferts!"

Jenny Styles

"Where do i even begin? Ferret World has helped me so much with my ferrets! Whenever I have a problem the first thing I look up is Ferret World. I would recommend you to any NEW ferret owner or just any Ferret Owner <3 thank you for all the help you provide!"

Julie Mills
Foster City, California

"I was able to get information and knowledge to explore and convince my mom to get a ferret. That was four years ago! Along the way I have developed a happy healthy ferret relationship! I have a ferret that is potty trained, halter trained, easy at baths, eats raw meat and a buddy I love! I recommend Ferret World because its fun and educational! Stef is a cool lady working hard to make happy ferrets and owners. She is always my first reference on any ferret question and has helped me many times! "

Rebecca Miles
Roseburg, Oregon

Good information is everywhere, but Great information is here.Ā 

I know the joy and excitement of watching my ferret daily, of taking care of her, and helping her grow and be healthy, happy, and live a long and active life. 

When I got my first ferret, it wasn’t always like that.  So I know what it feels like to be the first time Ferrent.

I know what it feels like not to have all the information.   

I know what it means to be nervous and unsure of how to react to their behavior. 

I know the uncertainty in how to care for them.

I know the difficulty of what the proper diet is for them.

I know how annoying it can be to get them potty trained.

Most importantly, I know how challenging it is to make sure her life is as great as she’s making my life.

  • As a ferrent, there's no better feeling than knowing you're doing your absolute best when it comes to taking care of your ferret!
  • When you have a happy ferret that's properly trained, healthy, and always ready to have fun, there's something that just feels right about life.
  • Every day you see your ferret war dancing and hear them dooking, you'll know that you're the ferent you've always wanted to be.

So Here's The Bottom Line With TheĀ Ferret-World Gold Membership...

You get access to our bi-monthly Dook Dook Ferret Magazine.

In the Dook Dook Ferret Magazine, you get the latest most up to date information on what it takes for your ferret to live a longer, happier, and healthier life.  You get expert advice and tips and insights that only real ferret experts know about.  And you can find out who wins Ferret of the Month.  ($119 Value)


You get access to our active Facebook Group.

Usually if you have concerns, you’re left with 3 options. 

1)     Going through the internet,

2)     Waiting until your next Vet appointment,

3)     Hoping everything works out. 

Now, you can be part of a community of Ferrents and experts who have been where you are, and know what to do.  ($195 Yearly Value)


Access to a growing database of resources 

And you’ll get access to an ever growing online membership portal with a database of up to date research and educational resources to make sure your ferret can have the happy and healthy life you want as a proud ferrent. ($500 Value)

To Recap A Bit...

  • You Get Bi-Monthly Subscription to The Dook Dook Magazine ($119 Yearly value)
  • You Get Access To Our Facebook Group with experts and fellow ferrents to answer any and all concerns and questions ($195 Yearly Value) 
  • You’ll Be The First To Access Our Soon To Be Released Database of Up to date Research and educational resources ($500 Value)

A Total Value of $814

Originally, I was going to charge $20 Dollars a Month for membership. 
But, I wanted to make it as affordable as possible for everyone. 
So, I lowered it to 14.95 a month. 
However, for our special launch. 
You Won’t Pay $20 dollars monthly. 
You won’t pay $14.95 Monthly. 

You Get Access TO ALL OF IT…

For $7 Dollars A Month

Less Than .23 Cents A Day




  • Monthly Membership to The Dook Dook Magazine ($120 Yearly)
  • Access To Our Facebook Group with experts and fellow ferrents to answer any and all concerns and questions ($195 Yearly Value)
  • Access To A Database of Up to date Research and educational resources ($500 Value)


Subscribe Monthly




  • Monthly Membership to The Dook Dook Magazine (Normally $120 Yearly)
  • Access To Our Facebook Group with experts and fellow ferrents to answer any and all concerns and questions ($195 Yearly Value)
  • Access To A Database of Up to date Research and educational resources ($500 Value)
  • Get 2 months FREE & Save over 20% off your yearly membership.


Subscribe Yearly and Save

But Let Me Sweeten The Pot For You Even More With These Instant Bonuses For Acting Now...

Bonus #1:Ā The Membership Perks ($295 Value)

You get discounts and coupons to all products.

You get access to our upcoming expert webinars, where we'll update you on the latest developments in ferret care, and personally take your questions live.

The first 100 Gold Members to sign up for this launch, get to shape the group, decide what information they want more of, what information they need more details on, what new guides, and new strategies are most important to their ferret’s care.  You get the opportunity to have things custom built for your education, by the top experts in the field.

Bonus #2:Ā Access To Panel Of Experts ($97 Value)

Panel of experts from all over the world that opens communication channels in order to get the BEST, MOST ADVANCED, CREDIBLE and UP TO DATE knowledge on ferrets possible!

Like I said, I’m working on creating more than just an expansion of Ferret-World.Com. 

This comprehensive Membership, will give you the opportunity to care for your ferret on an entirely new level, with all the support, love, and care that you need to get your ferret the longest life possible.

The total value of these bonuses are $392...

But they're yours when you act now!

And you have nothing to lose because you can Cancel the membership at any time and take all the information you’ve gotten with you.


Here's How To Order Right Now

So go ahead and choose one of the below pricing options now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more! Let's get started right now!




  • Monthly Membership to The Dook Dook Magazine ($120 Yearly)
  • Access To Our Facebook Group with experts and fellow ferrents to answer any and all concerns and questions ($195 Yearly Value)
  • Access To A Database of Up to date Research and educational resources ($500 Value)




  • Monthly Membership to The Dook Dook Magazine (Normally $120 Yearly)
  • Access To Our Facebook Group with experts and fellow ferrents to answer any and all concerns and questions ($195 Yearly Value)
  • Access To A Database of Up to date Research and educational resources ($500 Value)
  • Get 2 months FREE & Save over 20% off your yearly membership.

Enjoy your life as a ferrent, because though they're here for a short time, it can be a great time, and with our information and community, it can be a little longer as well.

Stephanie Warzecha

P.S. There's never a reason to not take your job as a ferrent seriously and get access to this amazing deal so that your ferret can live the happy, healthy, long and playful life it wants and you want for it.