I really enjoyed reading the ebook. The great thing about it is that all the game suggestions can be put together quickly and easily with materials most have somewhere in their house. You don’t actually have to go out and spend hundreds of dollars to have your fuzzies enjoy themselves...I was actually envisioning all the games whilst reading through them and you wouldn’t need a Uni degree to assemble them, the kids could get involved and keep them quiet for a while as well!Great use of space as well – it doesn’t matter if you just want to use 1 room or your entire home for the indoor games.LOVE the water games – they will have so much fun, especially floating on a makeshift raft in the bathtub..Can’t wait to try that one!!!The outdoor suggestions were excellent - I think it will give new ferret owners the confidence to take their fuzzies outdoors on a leash if they have been hesitant...you make it sound like fun and not stressful.The pictures and colours you used to illustrate were brilliant. The ebook is light hearted fun, it’ a GREAT buy and very informative... By the time Ferrants have created, built, played their way through the entirety of the book they will have very happy fuzzbuts on their hands.Such a fun book...I think people will love it. Well done....FUZZIES ALL OVER THE WORLD WILL MAKE YOU THEIR QUEEN....LOL
Lisa Miodragovic
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